Chic tiles in the blink of an eye – kitchen tiles design ideas

Who wants to decorate his bathroom or the mirror tiles behind the cooking area in the kitchen, no need to resort to drastic measures. There are much simpler means, the cost is also less and to have even for Non-tile layers as well. The two most common pathways to new tiles in the bathroom and kitchen are tile stickers and tile paint.
What is the method of choice: tile stickers or tile paint?
What cosmetics are suitable for the home tiles better, is of different factors. Those who rent, should be better access to the tile paint. At least not without the landlord agreed. But the owner can find the method with tile stickers advantageous. The work is cleaner than the paint and the sticker can be replaced, replaced and removed again without leaving any traces. This is especially useful if one is to be a bathroom and its kitchen on a regular basis or at least from time to time for a new facelift.
Advantages of tile stickers:
– Clean, without splashes, and Splatters and Graffiti – In the exact Format available from the factory or easily cut – There are patterns and creative Designs possible, such as through the use of stickers in different colors or only partial pasting of tiles – tiles Vinyl labels are water-resistant and also frequent showers, stand – The tile sticker can be replaced at any time, changed and altered – decorative foil for tiles in the bathroom, and co. are very affordable – There are the stickers for tiles in a variety of Designs for every taste Tile stickers can also be used in rental housing renovation used
Disadvantages of tile stickers:
Depending on the incidence of daylight, the colors adhesive tiles, sooner or later fading If the quality is not right, the surface is not dust free and clean or air bubbles will be included, tile stickers eventually peel off To rough handle the delicate Material from warping and, if necessary, pattern to distort
Advantages of tile paint:
Tile paint is long-lasting and durable – The paint color fade is not – There is no danger that the paint is due to water vapor or moisture to replace With tile paint can be very creative Designs and patterns are created – a partial painting of the tiles in the bathroom and kitchen is possible without any problem, The colors can be in the retailers and so self-mixed to the desired tone to get
Disadvantages of the Fliesenlacks:
– The tile paint to apply you need a lot of patience and a steady hand – painting tiles requires a little work; silicone joints must before painting away, the bumps sanded, the paint will have many hours to dry and should not be cleaned – Who, at some point, a new Design wishes, when you Remove or paint over tiles paint a high expenditure For rental housing is tile paint is not suitable, because it is difficult and never completely without a trace and to remove the
Then you should look for when buying tiles stickers
Tiles are to be found in an apartment, usually in relatively humid rooms such as the kitchen and the bathroom. Therefore, it is important that the tile stickers are above all water.
Examples of water-resistant tile stickers:
Who is his mirror tiles behind the kitchen line to spice up want, is also heat-resistant tiles stickers good advice. Thus, it is guaranteed that fat splashes are wearing the new decor nothing.
Suggestions for heat resistant tile stickers:
Depending on what tiles you have, you should order the suitable size. Common tile stickers in square shape (about 10 x 10 cm, 15 x 15 cm or 20 x 20 cm).
Tile stickers in the standard size:
Who has rectangular tiles in the bathroom, should pay attention to the size indications or, if applicable, tiles stickers, is offered as a role to the Crop.
So tile stickers could look at the Crop:
Tile stickers are available in different packages. Anyone planning to stick a larger or several smaller areas, should be a good measure or count.
Examples of particularly large tiles stickers packages:
Not least of all, you should know the “System” of the desired tile stickers. Some of us have to wet glued, others are attached with special glue, and others are self-adhesive.
Self-adhesive tiles stickers, these would be, for example, here:
… and now lets get to Renovate!