Modern planters ideas – So chic is the flowerpot

In the flowerpot not only Mediterranean potted plants and visually attractive flowers, but also certain herbs and vegetables can be grown. While classical planters such as ceramic or clay pots can sometimes be very heavy due to their own weight, the functional and aesthetic plant bags of the design brand Bacsac are a successful alternative to the traditional pot shape. The planters combine modern materials with a simple design and expressive colors to create the perfect backdrop for a modern city garden.

Modern variants of the classic flower pots as planters for balcony and terrace

When in the spring the last night frosts are slowly driven away by the ever-increasing days and rising temperatures, many private gardens awaken from their wintry Sleeping Beauty sleep. Many a garden then blooms with a wealth of luscious sprouting green and calyx in a variety of colors. After all, many gardens with comfortable lounge furniture and a trendy outdoor decoration throughout the summer to a kind of extension of the home living room. The calming and satisfying effect of a self-designed little spot of green idyll can be realized not only on a large meadow and shrub land. Even a terrace or a balcony can, with the appropriate design, become a natural paradise, whose home-grown vegetables and fruit are also a real enrichment to your own diet. There can be various reasons why plants in the garden should not be planted directly in the soil. For example, Mediterranean citrus trees must be grown in a planter because they spend the winter in a room protected from winter frost. On terraces and balconies, a flower pot or similar planter is the only way to provide the flowers, trees, and vegetables grown on them with sufficient deposits of water and nutrients at the roots. Previously used mainly plastic buckets, special plant pots made of wood or terracotta and recycled planters, so planters such as modern plant bags by Bacsac move for optical reasons more and more into the focus of gardening attention.

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