Outdoor stainless steel pedestal lights – noble for your garden

The little sister of the pole lights and bollard lights is the pedestal light, whose lighting effect is similar to that of a pole light, but at a different height. The pedestal light, which is also called pedestal lamp or pillar luminaire, is mainly mounted on walls, pillars or stairs and is available in different variants, as a stainless steel pedestal light, copper pedestal light or LED pedestal light. The stainless steel pedestal light, as well as all other pedestal lights, are mainly mounted on stone or concrete bases and decorate court entrances, wall projections, terraces and landings.
The stainless steel base lamp as decorative and functional lighting
Stainless steel pedestal lamps are the perfect alternative when floor lights are too low and threaten to overgrow plants, and pole lights are too tall. The lighting of paths, steps and terraces by stainless steel pedestal lights is not only a visual enhancement for your garden and the entire outdoor area of ??the house, but also important for safety. Stainless steel pedestal lights help to increase safety at your driveway, at the landing at your doorstep, or the steps leading from the patio into the garden. Stairs and unevenness in the floor are illuminated by stainless steel pedestal lights and thus defused as a possible source of accidents.
A stainless steel base lamp should, as it is used outdoors, be splash-proof. This is guaranteed by the protection class IP 44, as well as the protection against foreign bodies which are larger than 1 mm. With a stainless steel pedestal light in your garden or at your driveway you decorate your property with a stylish and practical light, which guides every visitor the way to your house and your door pleasantly.