LED floor lamps – The modern version of a classic

Put down in the socket stuck, press switch and you’re there Light. And not too little. It can hardly be easier to get his four walls bright. And which light can it? Table lamps! Yes, okay. The too. But we actually mean: the Floor lamp.

Once a little old-fashioned dismantled, floor lamps today experience a real Revival. And rightly so! In the most diverse designs – from retro to industrial to vintage or tripod – and with modern LEDTechnology too LED floor lamps connected, they are really fun again.

Why do I need a LED floor lamp?

Well, it’s clear. You need a LED floor lamp ….

    • for reading books and newspapers
    • to work
    • but even better: to relax
    • create atmosphere and make it comfortable
    • to create islands of light
    • to divide the space
    • to support the general lighting
    • And last but not least: to brighten up your 4 walls (because LED floor lamps are really available in a variety of styles and with the trendiest features! Tripod compliant? Or rather one in industrial design?)

And? Convinced? Yes? Can we think. Not for nothing are LED floor lamps in the most diverse Styles in the most diverse to form and at home living room as well as in the home office and at jobs large companies.

For which rooms are there LED floor lamps?

Of course, if you like, you can position your LED floor lamps anywhere in your home, wherever you want. Well, except maybe in the bathroom and other wet rooms. Since they simply lack the appropriate degree of protection. Otherwise, really only one socket needed in order to be able to put a LED floor lamp into operation. Very popular rooms, where LED floor lamps are welcome guests:

In the living room This is mainly about the own taste. And the question: What should that me LED floor lamp actually offer? I am going to that I can finally read my thriller properly? Should the floor lamp just invite you to chill out or offer me different light colors? Or should she support the general lighting? Or v. designed by a celebrated designer and have a design that you really do not see every day? For all these cases there are the matching LED floor lamp. You only have to decide for one. If you want, of course, for two. Or three.

In the local office LED floor lamps are also a good choice for the home office. If you do not want to be a pure adornment here, so you really should be good at working, then you should be in the domestic office really go to Home Office LED floor lamps. Since these are to fulfill above all practical purposes, they usually also have a more pragmatic Design. What you may lack in unusual design, however, is what you are doing modern technology and practical features but again. Which of these are exactly, you can easily find out in the product description and in the product details directly on the side of the product.

At work Even in company offices of all sizes, LED floor lamps are frequently encountered. Above all, they complement the general lighting and provide for optimal lighting conditions at the individual workplaces. As it is accurate here legal regulations for lighting, it pays to be with one expert talk about it.

Are there LED floor lamps also with motion detector?

Granted, let’s listen Motion detector, Let’s think of the garden and neighbor’s cat, who are already sneaking around in the yard and turning on the light. Or perhaps just to a ellenlangen hotel corridor, in which – fortunately – the light automatically. But floor lamps with motion detector? And yet: yes, in fact they exist. But especially in the Office area.

And there you will find them not only under the name motion detector, but also under the name Presence detector. Presence detector because it recognizes the presence – or presence – of a person through a fine grid. And this too, if only through the Tap on the keyboard. Whether the selected LED floor lamp also has a motion detector, you can easily find out in the product details.

Are there any LED floor lamps with dimmer?

Too bright! No, it’s too dark now! But do not make too bright again! Yes, sometimes the decision really does not want to be easy. Luckily there is a remedy – at least in matters Brightness. Also with LED floor lamps. After all, many of the LED floor lamps are nowadays conveniently built-in dimmers fitted. So you just do not have to decide in terms of brightness. Because you can make it darker or brighter as you want and as often as you want.

Are there any LED floor lamps also with reading lamp?

Very clear answer: Yes, there is. Because under the term LED floor lamps Basically, all floor lamps with LED technology are covered – in a wide variety of designs. So too Uplight. And they are known to very often have a reading lamp, which is attached directly to the frame of the lamp. By the Flexibility of the reading arm the light can be easily aligned in any direction and so can … well, you know: the best light to read.

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